The fundamental element of controlling your mind, is grounded in understanding the foundations of your mindset. We help you learn the missing elements the world seems to hide in history and science.

We often don’t think about the foundations of mindset and find ourselves enrolled in many courses, reading many books and other sources to learn. Often we miss the foundations and successfully bridge the gap of implementing and excelling in areas of our personal or business life.

Without the foundations, nothing changes. Doubt, looping thoughts and feelings, seem to always find their way back in our minds and expand to our bodies. You find you remain stagnant in real growth potential (love, trust, confidence, free of doubt and fears). We teach you to be like water. Let us help you adapt like water, always moving, changing to its environment to sustainability.

Master Your Mind

Fit Mind Now will empower you with the knowledge you can apply immediately to keep your doubts and fears at rest. Learn the secrets used in ancient and modern times to overcome and achieve anything.

Ground Roots Workshop

We empower you the foundations of how your mind operates. Your mind is not your brain but your mind is the key to unlocking your health that resonates in your body and in your environment. We teach you how to discover yourself in a way that is not taught in mainstream sessions. Anielle lives by these techniques.

Conscious Growth Workshop

We expand on the foundations of mindset. We incorporate the role of energy into our learnings and how it plays a role in day to day life. Energy growth mindset teachers the individual how to incorporate mindfulness, openness and heart space into every moment of their lives to eliminate doubt, attract what you really want, resolve conflict, release negative toxic emotions and invite the opposite. The most inspiring, famous speakers in the world use energy growth to achieve, overcome and master their minds.

Wellness and wellbeing begins with a fit mind now.


Motivation techniques
Planning techniques
Commitment techniques


Breathing techniques
Movement techniques
Mindfulness techniques


Awareness techniques
Openness techniques
Cultivating techniques


Discipline techniques
Monitoring techniques
Reflection techniques

Enough Talk, Let's work together